Our Home on Gerrard Street (Art Gallery of Mississauga) is a community-based exploration of the location had Lawren Harris had depicted in his painting Houses, Gerrard Street, Toronto, 1912. These houses in Harris’ painting are still standing. It sits in front of a common transitway between condo developments, and across from Ryerson Unversity’s new intitiatives to re-vatilize the downtown area. This project aims to understand the location’s current identity and the community that surrounds the area, through the act of collecting audio interviews and personal reflections. The end result is a single-channel video composed of audio interviews from local community members including Ed Drass (Communications Manager of Gallery Arcturus), Ryan Walker (Photographer & Current Residence of 77 Gerrard), Aaron Wheat and Taylor Ritchie (Former Residence of 290 Sherbourne).